The materials made paracord bracelet is the one used for parachute cods. The cord is elasticized. This boosts its ability and strength to carry a high amount of weight, which is beneficial as a parachute cord. Paracord is the abbreviated word for parachute cord and clever designers of outdoor jewelry have associated the material with the outdoors, to be used in a variety of adornments worn by outdoor types. The paracord bracelet became one of the must-have accessories in any survival kit of adventurists.
Originally, the paracord was wrapped around the wrist as well as worn as a kind of bracelet for precaution when there is an emergency. Later, these became connected to anyone who enjoys pitting his or her skill and strength against an aggressive environment. At present, the paracord bracelet is a fashion statement. This is typically worn by anyone who wants to be seen as adventurous and this is also a symbol of nature by those who are involved with the wild animals and wild habitats.
Paracord bracelets may be bought ready-made. They are available in several designs and colors. The fundamental design uses the basic macramé knots. What makes it ideal for creating paracord bracelets is the paracord’s elasticity. Many people are learning the skills of macramé in order to make their own unique and custom made survival bracelets. Oftentimes, friends create such bracelets. They wear these as a sign of their friendship.
Making your own paracord survival bracelet is simple. It is also entertaining and fun. They are ideal for runners or hikers who can wear reflective paracord bracelets. This can be used for visibility. They are also perfect for school projects and for sale at fairs or as fundraisers.
People love purchasing paracord bracelets in the market and some craft stalls. You can even start your very own business through internet by selling wonderful paracord bracelets. Use your imagination when making paracord bracelets. You can also make them as a gift to your friends and family in various celebrations.
Below are some of the most popular paracord bracelet patterns.
If you want to use two to four colors, this can be a fun pattern. The box like pattern is highly ornate and the colors can be matched to the themes for several fundraisers. Customized color combinations can customized to be used for celebrating holidays or celebrations such as Valentine’s Day.

This is called Chain Sinnet. This use a noticeably small knot a snake like and caterpillar style. Backpackers are just some of those who are using this pattern. It is because this is easy to undo when needed.
This pattern will give you a picture of a shark’s teeth. This has also a variation on Cobra bracelets and very extraordinary. This isn’t a close weaved. Plus, much complex like some patterns but this is ideal and interesting for bracelets.
This is really unique pattern, more rounded than the traditional Cobra Weave pattern and is a lot easy to do than it looks.
This pattern is very versatile. The reason behind it is that this can be wrapped around the wrist for how many times and it is up to you if you will make it short or long. If you have selected the colors perfectly, you can make a bracelet that is the same as the rattle snake’s tail.
Take some time to check out these cool patterns and how much fun you can have designing your own custom made paracord bracelets.